A. History of Establishment
The UN has set up an Economic Commission as an arm of the world organization was in the process of reconstruction of postwar Asia. ESCAP was originally founded on March 28, 1947 in Shanghai by the name of the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (Economic Commission for Asia and Far East / ECAFE) under the authority of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
In 1949 ECAFE move its headquarters to Bangkok, after the Communist government came to power in China. In 1951, ECOSOC to give a broader mandate to ECAFE which soon established itself as a foundation for regional cooperation.
In order to raise the responsibility of the Secretariat in the field of social development as well as to reflect the geographic space and their activities, in 1974 ECAFE turned into ESCAP (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific).
United Nations ESCAP is the regional agency for the Asia Pacific region. Since the initial establishment of ESCAP, was intended to help the economic reconstruction of post-war countries in the region and to reflect on aspects of economic and social development as well as geographic locations of its member countries.
In the late 70s, ESCAP began to decentralize its operations are reflected in the orientation of this country which now consists of 53 members of ESCAP member states and 9 countries as an "Associate Member".
In 1977 ESCAP's mandate was extended by the UN General Assembly became one of the five UN Regional Commission in the field of Economic and Social Development. Since May 2001 chaired by ESCAP Kim Hak Su of South Korea and in the previous period, April 1995-March 2000, ESCAP Secretariat led by Dr. Adrianus Mooy of Indonesia.
B. Functions, Duties and Role of ESCAP
The function of ESCAP are:
• Promote social and economic development through regional cooperation and integration and sub-regional
• As the main forum of social and economic development within the framework of the UN system in the Asia-Pacific
• Formulating and promoting development assistance activities and projects, according to the needs and priorities of the region, as well as acting as executing agency for relevant operational projects
• Providing substantive and secretariat services and documentation to the Commission as the supreme body and the bodies subsidernya
• Conduct studies, research and other activities in accordance with the terms of reference of the Commission
• Provide advisory services to its member governments on request
• Develop and implement programs of technical cooperation
• Coordinate the activities of ESCAP with the activities of specialized agencies, intergovernmental organizations and other UN agencies.
In enhancing economic cooperation and friendship among countries in the region, UN ESCAP as a regional body is holding an important role.
The role is reflected in the ESCAP main tasks are:
1. Improving economic standards in the countries of the Asia Pacific region, through increasing economic cooperation among countries in the region by providing assistance and activities that include the research and planning-planning that is directed to activities to coordinate economic development activities in the Asia Pacific region.
2. Assist member states in particular are still lagging behind in the utilization of technology, so it can catch up through the transfer of technology from other countries.
3. Assist member countries in formulating development programs.
C. Membership and Organizational Structure
53 ESCAP member countries and 9 countries dialogue partners (associate members). Member countries of ESCAP consists of several categories: the advanced industrial countries like Japan and Australia, countries newly industrialized namely the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, seven countries of Central Asia in transition economies, 13 countries LDC's, 19 developing countries archipelago small Pacific and other developing countries in the Asia Pacific region.
Structurally, the Commission is the supreme organ of ESCAP Ministerial meeting once a year and report to the ECOSOC. The Commission is an intergovernmental forum member state as an annual evaluation to assess the activities of ESCAP and its organs underneath and discuss issues of current social-economic as well as strengthen regional cooperation in the field of social economy.
At the Annual Session of the Commission on the 58th in Bangkok (16 - May 22, 2002), on "Restructuring the Conference Structure of the Commission" to reform and restructure the ESCAP, agreed recommendations ESCAP Secretariat so streamlined structure to consist of three thematic Committee: Committee on Poverty Reduction, Committee on Managing Globalization and the Committee on Emerging Social Issues, and two Special Bodies (least developed and landlocked Developing Countries and the Pacific Island Developing Countries). In addition, ESCAP has a subsidiary bodies to which Indonesia is a member, as follows:
• Coordinating Committee for Coastal and Offshore Geoscience Programmes (CCOP),
• Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT),
• The Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP)
• Regional Coordination Centre for Research and Development of Coarse Grains, Pulses, Roots and Tuber Crops in the Humid Tropics of Asia and the Pacific (CGPRT),
• Asia and Pacific Centre for Agricultural Engineering and Machinery (APCAEM).
Based on the Terms of Reference (TOR) of ESCAP, the three Thematic can be explained as follows:
1. Committee on Poverty Reduction
a. Poverty is a major challenge the development of developing countries in Asia Pacific, where more than two-thirds of poor people living in this region. Urgent needs that must be implemented effectively to poverty reduction is reflected in the UN Millennium Development goals, which launched in 2015 the number of poor people in the world would be reduced to separohnya. Poverty is a multidimensional and dynamic phenomenon with a variety of interrelated issues that require attention and complex economic, social and environmental areas. Facing these problems, poverty reduction committee will serve as a regional forum to assist member countries in achieving the goal, among others, such as:
1) Determination of strategy and policy development to reduce poverty rapidly and continuously and improve the quality of life of the poor;
2) Increasing national statistical infrastructure for collecting, analyzing and dissemination of statistics through the promotion of the use the same methodology for comparison between countries and improve the quality of statistics;
3) Development and exchange of experiences regarding the best course of action in reducing poverty in both urban and rural areas.
Committee goal is to enable members of ESCAP to design better policies on poverty reduction in order to achieve the millennium development goals.
b. Under the full supervision of the Commission, the Committee will implement the following things:
1) Reviewing the progress and challenges faced in two qualitative and quantitative objectives relating to the millennium development goals;
2) Analyze the trends and global and regional development, with special emphasis, to the provision of policy advice on economic improvement of poor people and the prevention of social inequalities;
3) Review and analyze statistical advances in the ESCAP region, improving the national statistical infrastructure and improve the quality of statistics, with attention to the following areas:
a) Improvement and harmonization of statistical methodology for measuring poverty and improving economic and social statistics;
b) statistical priority areas identified by the members, including among others: the national tally, the informal sector, gender statistics, environment statistics and statistics on information and communication technology and knowledge of the fundamentals of the economy.
4) Encourage the exchange of experiences and poverty reduction measures, such as human and institutional capacity development, with particular attention to:
a) The incorporation of poverty reduction, sustainable development and environmental protection;
b) Merger of poverty reduction and population dynamics and population movements.
c) Increased economic and social position through the approach in terms of needs, development and rights;
d) Increased participation of the poor in decision-making through community organizations;
e) Strengthening the construction of sustainable and affordable information and communication technologies and information that is focused on the needs of the poor.
5) Review and evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of work programs of relevant ESCAP and make recommendations to the Commission about programs that will come and in this process is linked with cross-sectoral issues such as special attention to the Pacific island countries, countries isolated and underdeveloped countries and countries with economies in transition, also on the environment, human resource development and women in development with all its capabilities.
6) Improve relations with government organizations, non-governmental, regional and bilateral cooperation also with the private sector to support poverty reduction policies and strategies to maximize synergies with the efforts and activities that overlap.
7) Increase the close cooperation with the Entities associated with the UN in order to minimize activities that overlap and duplication. Besides, it also enhances relationships with financial institutions, development agencies outside the UN, private organizations, non-governmental organizations and donor countries-neggara inside and outside the ESCAP region. Furthermore, also to maximize use of available resources and improve the effectiveness and the work of the Commission in facing the challenges of development in the ESCAP region.
8) Work closely and coordinate with other agencies in addition to the Commission.
9) Implement activities that can be implemented by the Commission from time to time in matters relating to poverty reduction.
The Committee will meet biennially and report to the Commission regarding the development of poverty reduction efforts.
The Committee will be assisted in his task by the Sub-sub-committees as follows:
a) Sub-committee on poverty reduction practices (Subcommittee on Poverty Reduction Practices)
b) Statistics Subcommittee (Subcommittee on Statistics)
If the Committee will think about aspects of the overall policy on poverty reduction, then the sub-committee will focus on specific sectoral aspects as the mandate given by the committee.
Sub-committees will meet during the year between the second committee hearing, more often in the turn of the year. The Committee will provide overall guidance to the sub-committee on the issues to be discussed and a priority of their tasks.
2. Committee on Managing Globalization (CMB)
a. The process of globalization continues to grow, give effect to the economic and social development ESCAP region.
Tan hand is how to control the globalization effectively with the formulation and implementation of effective policies to achieve new opportunities while minimizing unexpected costs. In this context, the CMB will deal with issues that are focused on sub-program areas as follows:
1) Investment and International Trade
2) Transport Infrastructure and Facilitation and Tourism
3) Environment and Sustainable Development and
4) Information Technology, Communications and Space.
b. Under the full supervision of the Commission, the Committee will:
1) Assess the economic issues that arise and the implications for the region and recommend policy guidelines, for use by the Government.
2) Assess the development in order to improve understanding of the WTO agreements, regional trade agreements and other multilateral trade negotiations. The Committee provides appropriate recommendations to strengthen the ability of countries that will enter the WTO and for developing countries and transition economies to participate actively in international trade negotiations.
3) Improve the competitiveness of international trade with the rationalization and automation of document handling, drive simplification and harmonization of trade rules and improve standards and certification and management capabilities.
4) Promote the exchange of experiences in terms of promotion and facilitation of investment and improve the ability of member states in order to formulate and implement policies and strategies in support of entrepreneurial development, with special focus on SMEs.
5) Encourage development of sustainable pariwista with increased ability of human and institutional resources and the promotion of regional cooperation, especially networking of training institutions.
6) As a catalyst for activity formulation and implementation of transport initiatives of national, regional, and inter-regional with a special focus on the construction of roads Asia, Cross Fire-Asian railway and construction of intermodal transport network in order meningkatkann both market access and domestic or global.
7) Increase the broad approach to eliminating institutional barriers in order to facilitate the movement of people, goods and services and strengthen the development of transportation services / logistics multimodal, including transit facilities, to enable active participation in the globalization process.
8) Review of transport policy documentation and assist members and associate member countries in addressing issues that focus on private partnerships / government and encourage participatory approaches to the integration of economic and social development and the environment associated with transportation planning and policy development.
9) Assess the environmental conditions in the ESCAP region and give important attention to environmental issues that stand out in hopes of attention to the integration of development policies, strategic plans and programs on macroeconomic and sectoral levels, and facilitate policy dialogue, training and exchange of experience.
10) Enhance capacity building of human resources and institutions to respond effectively to a way of pooling plans on global, regional, national and local environment to participate in development, participation in the implementation of multilateral environmental agreements. In this case, promote the formulation and dissemination of regional perspectives and model legislation and standards such as economic instruments in the light of economic conditions, social and environment, and support cooperation at sub regional and regional environment.
11) Helps increase in the formulation and implementation of strategies and action plans for sustainable use of natural resources, especially water resources, with special focus on water quality issues and obtain safe drinking water for the poor.
12) Strengthening of national capabilities in prevention, reduce and manage water-related damage, enhance and strengthen cooperation with the Secretariat of the Convention in combating soil degradation, is certified and the negative effects of climate change and coordinate with the UN Food and Agriculture organization of the problem of deforestation through increased regional cooperation.
13) Increasing the capacity of sustainable energy development through policy advice, human resource development and exchange of information so as to support national efforts in strategic planning and management and increased use of new energy and increased energy efficiency through the integration of economic, social and environmental . Also support subregional cooperation in energy sector development, energy trade as well as policy reforms.
14) Improve the ability to create an enabling environment for development, transfer and application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), particularly through regional cooperation and networks of government organizations, non governmental and governmental organizations that benefit the sector and the most important for the economies of developing countries and countries with economies in transition.
15) Enhance regional cooperation and effective integration of ICT-based satellite technology with other information about the information economy and social development planning and sustainable management, improved quality of life, particularly integrated remote sensing and satellite communications for rural areas and remote areas, the map poverty and distance education.
16) Increasing confidence in yourself to be collectively and South-South Cooperation as ECDC / TCDC and regional resilience.
17) Assess the implementation and effectiveness of programs of work of ESCAP and make recommendations to the commission about the work programs for the future, this process, ensuring cross-sectoral issues such as special attention to developing countries are poor, remote Pacific islands and countries with economies in transition.
18) Improve the relationship with relevant subregional organizations to enhance cooperation between sub-regional and intra.
19) Accelerate follow-up to decisions and recommendations of global conferences related to the working committees at the national, regional and sub regional levels; evaluate progress and prepare guidelines for the formulation and implementation of a regional action program.
20) Improve the relationship with development agencies and financial institutions, private sector organizations, non governmental organizations, supporting countries and donor countries within and outside the region and representatives of relevant UN, with the intention of minimizing the overlap and duplication and strengthening cooperation with organizations and agencies at the sub regional, regional and global levels to maximize the effectiveness and impact of the activities of the Commission.
21) Work closely and coordinate with other subsidiary bodies of the Commission.
22) Carry out other activities which the Commission may set from time to time in matters relating to the regulation of globalization.
The Committee will meet biennially and submit a report to the Commission in connection with globalization settings.
Committee work will be assisted by four sub-Committee the following:
a. Sub-Committee on International Trade and Investment
b. Sub-Committee on Transport Infrastructure, Facilitation and Tourism
c. Sub-Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development
d. Sub Committee on Information Technology, Communications and Space.
If the Committee considers aspects of the overall policy in the regulation of globalization, then the sub-committee meeting would be held within the period between the Committee hearing, more usually in the turn of the year. The Committee will provide overall guidance to the subcommittee on the issues that should be prioritized in their work, which will guide the subcommittee in setting their agendas. Reports from sub committees will be reported to the committee at the next sessions as a basis for consideration at the level of inter-sectoral discussion / thematik.
3. Committee on Emerging Social Issues (CESI)
a. Asia-Pacific region faces new challenges and existing trends of development on a regional and global impact in on individuals, families and communities. Many countries in the region face barriers in terms of employment equation, which caused problems of gender, old age, incapacity, disability, income or other factors. There are other threats to "human security" among others, regarding the increased infection of HIV / AIDS, human smuggling and other crimes. In addition, other regional challenges are increasing with the rapid population growth and international migration, which impact on the overall socio-economic development.
CESI is responsible to the Commission to assist member countries in achieving the objectives of planning and implementation of effective policies and strategies to create equal opportunities for all social groups in order to participate actively, and overall improvements to the quality of life.
b. Under the overall supervision of the Commission, the Committee will:
1) Examine the trend of development to anticipate and identify emerging social development challenges and issues that impact on the Asia Pacific region, focusing on groups vulnerable to social change, termauk women, youth, people who can not afford, the population old age, and people living with HIV / AIDS.
2) Promote the development of social development policy and its main factors is the social dimension in national development programs.
3) Promote the achievement of the objectives of education for all layers, particularly through educational equity in all programs that are relevant, particularly for vulnerable groups to social change.
4) Provide appropriate recommendations in national capacity development strategies at all levels to improve the development and basic social services, such as education, health and food; eliminate the barriers to participate and threats to "human security"; focused on vulnerable groups social change, in addressing social problems.
5) Provide recommendations for strategic multisectoral HIV / AIDS prevention, education about prevention and awareness programs keasadaran community.
6) Create guidelines to the Secretariat in the formulation of medium-term plans and programs to prevent or alleviate the social problems that are critical, and increasing development is true for all social groups that focused on key areas under item 1 above, through the activity normative and operational, including:
a) Implementation of projects of technical assistance, provision of advice, training, research, and encourage the development of information and exchange of information.
b) Identify and disseminate appropriate measures.
c) Providing analysis and multi-sectoral social dialogue integrated.
7) Assess the implementation and effectiveness of work programs relevant ESCAP and social issues that arise and recommend steps to strengthen the impact of the program taking into account the ability of ESCAP.
8) Improving regional cooperation among ESCAP members to strengthen political commitment and creating activities at all levels to prevent and reduce adverse social impacts of development trends. In this regard, attention should be given to social issues that arise in order to get the best benefit from cooperation and regional collaboration.
9) Accelerate follow-up at the national, subregional and regional levels of decisions and recommendations of global conferences relevant; monitor and evaluate progress and make the guidelines in formulating and implementing regional work programs, taking into account the recommendations of the Commission Social Development, Commission on the Status of Women's Organizations and the UN Intergovernmental other subsidiaries.
10) Enhance closer cooperation and collaboration with UN agencies and related special representatives, while also improving relations with other intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental and business sectors, and relationships with financial institutions, state supporting countries and donor countries within and outside the ESCAP region so as to maximize resources and impact of the labor commission relating to the challenges of social development are critical in the ESCAP region.
11) Work closely and coordinate with other subsidiary bodies of the commission.
12) Carry out other activities which the Commission may mengintruksikannya, which deal with social issues thoroughly.
The Committee will meet biennially and present a report to the commission as a discussion of social issues that arise.
The Committee will be assisted in its work by the following two sub-committees:
a. Sub Committee on Vulnerable Groups Social Change
b. Sub-Committee on Health and Development
If the Committee will consider aspects of the overall policy aimed at social issues as a whole, then the sub-committee will focus on aspects of specific sectoral nature of the mandate given by the Committee.
Sub-Committee will meet in the intervening time between the committee hearing, more often in the turn of the year.
The Committee will provide overall guidance to the subcommittee on the issues that should be prioritized in their work, which will guide the subcommittee in setting their agendas. Reports from sub committees will be reported to the committee at the next sessions as a basis for consideration at the level of inter-sectoral discussion / thematik.
4. Special Body on Least Developed and landlocked Developing Countries (SBLDLDC)
In addition to these three thematik, there is the Special Agency for Development of State-Developed Countries (Special Body on Least Developed and Developing Countries landlocked) which can be explained as follows:
a. Specific issues and urgent economic and social development in poor countries and underdeveloped countries have been recognized by the international community, and therefore also listed in the Brussels Declaration and Programme of Action for the underdeveloped countries of the Third United Nations Conference on the state- underdeveloped countries, the International Development strategy and implementation of the UN Millennium Development Goals.
These issues require special attention in the Asia Pacific region in order to bring the underdeveloped countries and the countries of the remote can be inserted in the regional integration process with the dynamics of the economic problems the region. SBLDLDC will focus on specific issues and problems the group with the spirit of regional cooperation.
b. Under the overall supervision of the Commission, the Special Body shall:
1) Assess the economic and social progress in developing countries and isolated and conduct field assessments of economic, social and environmental barriers to the development of underdeveloped countries and isolated.
2) Serves as a mover of ideas and a catalyst to identify and offer policy options that a new national, subregional and regional levels in which these countries can maximize the benefits of globalization, with emphasis on the application of measures to be increased mobilization of domestic resources and foreign, trade and development in the private sector, public sector establishment and supervision of advisers on the relevant issues, as well as requests to the government.
3) Encouraging increased national capacity in underdeveloped countries and isolated, including the ability related to the formulation of development strategies at national and sectoral level.
4) Assist the development and strengthening cooperation among countries to exchange experiences and technical cooperation among countries underdeveloped and isolated and with other developing countries in the region.
5) Conducting a broad approach that includes a lot of things to eliminate physical barriers and institutional framework for facilitating the movement of people, goods and services and strengthening the construction of transportation services / logistics multimodal, and also include transit facilities, to be able to participate actively in the process of globalization .
6) Without duplicating other existing work, conduct special studies on transit trade and transport problems in isolated countries in Asia, recommend suitable measures for solving problems in accordance with international treaties, particularly article 125 of the UN Convention on the Law Marine and encourage Asian countries are isolated and the countries of their transit neighbors to cooperate, among others, to reduce transport costs in the final cost of goods delivered.
7) Improve relations with representative institutions and financial institutions, private sector organizations, nongovernmental organizations and donor countries within and outside the region, for the benefit of underdeveloped countries and isolated.
8) Review the implementation and effectiveness of the programs of work of ESCAP and make recommendations to the Commission about programs that will come and work in this process, ensuring that cross-sectoral issues such as environment, human resources development and women in development be handled carefully.
9) Accelerate follow-up to decisions that are relevant and globally conference recommends to the underdeveloped countries and isolated at the regional, subregional and regional levels, particularly the Brussels Declaration and Programmes of Action for the underdeveloped countries at the UN Conference on the III in underdeveloped countries.
10) Enhance closer cooperation and joint activities with UN agencies concerned and special representatives, as well as improving relationships with financial institutions, UN agencies, private sector organizations, nongovernmental organizations, donor countries and countries supporting countries within and outside the ESCAP region so as to maximize the use of the resources available and enhance the effectiveness of committee work in addressing development challenges underdeveloped countries and isolated.
11) Work closely and coordinate with agencies of other subsidiaries in the Commission.
12) Performing other functions which the Commission can ask from time to time in a problem for underdeveloped countries and isolated.
Specialized agency of the biennial meeting for 2 days time along with the hearing of the Commission.
5. Special Body On Pacific Island Developing Countries (SBPIDC)
Special Agency for Development Pacific Island States can be explained as follows:
a. Specific problems and situations / special circumstances concerning the economic and social development of developing countries in the Pacific islands are related to their remoteness, small size of its territory and susceptible to environmental hazards, recognized by the international community, especially in the context of an action program for Sustainable Development small island developing countries and the implementation of the UN Millennium development goals. This special situation of developing countries in the Pacific islands require priority attention so that these countries can be incorporated into the regional integration process with the dynamics of economic and social territory. SBPIDC will provide / give a forum to address specific issues and problems of this group of countries in the spirit of regional cooperation.
b. Under the overall supervision of the Commission, SBPIDC will:
1) Assess the economic and social progress of developing countries in the Pacific islands, including obstacles to their development.
2) Serves as a mover of ideas and as a catalyst to introduce options for the new policy at the national, subregional and regional levels in which these countries can maximize the benefits of globalization.
3) Helps to increase capacity building of developing countries in the Pacific Islands.
4) Assist the development and strengthening of intra-subregional cooperation and exchange of experiences and technical cooperation among developing countries, Pacific island with other countries in the region.
5) Improve the relationship, particularly through the ESCAP Pacific Islands Operations Centre, with representatives of development and financial institutions, private sector organizations, nongovernmental organizations, donors and supporting countries within and outside its territory, in this initiative and activity for the benefit of developing countries other Pacific islands.
6) Assess the implementation and effectiveness of work programs of relevant ESCAP and make recommendations to the commission about the work programs that will come and in this process, ensuring that cross-sectoral issues such as environment, human resource development and attention to gender issues are handled carefully .
7) Accelerate and recommend follow-up of global conferences relevant to developing countries, small island at the national, regional and sub-regional, especially the Programme of Activities for the sustainable development of developing countries, small island and the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals.
8) Increase in closer cooperation and joint activities with UN agencies concerned and representatives of other special-Representative.
9) Work closely and coordinate with other subsidiary bodies on the commission.
10) Performing other functions which the Commission may direct from time to time in matters relating to developing countries other Pacific islands.
Special Body will meet once every two years for 2 days, returning repeatedly to the hearing of the Commission, in its turn of the year by the Special Body developing countries are Retarded and Isolated.
6. Advisory Committee of Permanent Representatives and Other Representatives (ACPROR)
Advisory Committee of Permanent Representatives and Other Representatives appointed by the Commission Members will have the following functions:
1. Maintaining close cooperation and consultation among members and the secretariat of the Commission.
2. As advisors and representatives of the Executive Secretary in presenting proposals for a medium-term plan, budget and program priorities, consistent with the rules.
3. To receive information remains on administrative and financial functions from ESCAP, to assist and advise the Executive Secretary in monitoring and evaluating the implementation of ESCAP work program.
4. Reviewing the draft calendar before the meeting delivered the sessions of the Commission.
5. Exchange views with the Executive Secretary on the provisional agenda for each session of the Commission.
6. To advise the Executive Secretary on the identification of social issues and emerging economic and other issues that are relevant for inclusion into the agenda while the commission hearings.
7. To assist the Secretariat in the provisional agenda for each commission meeting before finalization.
8. To monitor the function of the theme approach and implementation of activities under it, in order to provide an assessment approach to themes and to propose potential modifications to the Commission in a timely or theme changes.
9. Carry out several other tasks that will be entrusted by the Commission.
In 1977 the UN General Assembly has extended the mandate of ESCAP and UN regional commissions as other centers of economic and social development in Asia and the Pacific within the UN framework. Furthermore, to anticipate the rapid changes as the impact of globalization and liberalization as well as efforts to improve efficiency and effectiveness of work of ESCAP Secretariat, the 48th Annual Session of ESCAP Commission has adopted resolution 48 / 2 concerning the restructuring of the ESCAP Commission thematik approach through the review
D. Indonesia Indonesia's participation in ESCAP Activities
Indonesia berpartisispasi active in various social and economic cooperation forum ESCAP. Indonesia is always open to discuss prospects, priorities and policy options oriented to promote and develop regional economic cooperation in order to ESCAP, particularly cooperation in the field of poverty eradication, capacity building of Human Resources (HR), the utilization of science and technology and infrastructure development through series of integrated programs in the field of technical cooperation among developing countries.
In the implementation of two regional meetings in Indonesia on Financing for Development and Energy for Sustainable Development in the short term are expected to provide regional input to the global level, while for the long term can be used as a regional strategic action programs in the development of regional and international cooperation in the field of finance and energy. In addition, through the organization of the meeting is expected image of Indonesia in international forums is recovering is getting better and important role of Indonesia in the Asia Pacific region increasingly taken into account.
Common strategy on Indonesia's participation in the trial and ESCAP activities prioritized in an effort to enhance regional economic cooperation that takes into account the nature komplementaristik with various forms of regional or sub regional cooperation and strengthen the existing cooperation.
In this regard, Indonesia is always open to discuss prospects, priorities and policy options oriented to promote and develop regional economic cooperation in order to ESCAP, particularly cooperation in the field of poverty eradication, capacity building of human resources, the utilization of science and technology and infrastructure development through series of integrated programs in the field of technical cooperation among developing countries.
The Indonesian government tried to address the problem of poverty in Indonesia by establishing a Coordinating Committee for Poverty Reduction is co-chaired by the Minister, and Minister for Economy, assisted by other relevant government agencies for the implementation of national programs.
In addition, there is a picture of the relevance condition of women and poverty rates (feminization of poverty) in Indonesia, underline the importance of the role of ICT for efforts to address poverty and in particular to support poverty alleviation efforts based on the empowerment of the agricultural sector.
Sustainable social development can be achieved only if all groups in society, including communities of poor and disadvantaged groups participate in the process, stressed that the importance of "social equity" for poverty reduction
Indonesia as one of the members of ESCAP are very concerned with the implementation of the restructuring of the ESCAP Commission. With consideration of the contribution of Indonesia's commitment to UN agencies including ESCAP and the Regional Centres under the shade is quite high as well as sharpening the focus of attention ESCAP Commission on urgent problems facing developing countries and to avoid overlap of activities with other international and regional organizations. In various ESCAP meeting, Indonesia always stressed that ESCAP Commission can play a wider and larger to sharpen the focus of attention to the urgent needs of developing countries.
In this regard, it is deemed necessary to prepare so that Indonesia can take advantage of the momentum is to the advantage and benefits for the greater interest of national development progress, particularly for Indonesia's interest commensurate with the amount of contributions made to the ESCAP particularly on ESCAP Regional Centres to which Indonesia is one of its members.
In the future in order to ESCAP Commission can play a greater role, it is necessary to focus more attention on issues and activities to address urgent needs of developing countries in the Asia and Pacific region such as human resource capacity building, development of environmentally sound as well as increased cooperation in the field science and technology.
Until now, Indonesia became a member of the ESCAP Regional Center, among others, the Asian and Pacific Development Centre (APDC) in Kuala Lumpur, The Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP) in Tokyo, the Committee for Coordinating of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in Asian Offshore Areas (CCOP) and the Regional Network on Agricultural Machinery (RNAM) in Bangkok, Asia Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT) in New Delhi and the Regional Coordination Center for Research and Development of Coarse Grains, Pulses, Roots and Tuber Crops in the Humid Tropics of Asia and the Pacific (DGPRT) in Bogor, Indonesia.
Indonesia's active participation in various activities of regional organizations, especially in economic and social cooperation forum ESCAP is one manifestation of evidence from independent and active foreign policy which is dedicated to national interests and also to contribute ideas and experiences in order to seek joint solutions to regional problems and internationally, which in turn may further strengthen the image of Indonesia in various international forums. The role is increasingly being recognized by the international community in order to foster and deepen friendship, enhance solidarity, unity and cooperation among nations attitudes based on the principle of mutual benefit in order to participate in realizing the new world order, including a new world economic order based on lasting peace and social justice.
It is also important to note that the UN Secretary-General entrusted the office of Executive Secretary of ESCAP to his two sons Indonesia, namely JB Paul and Prof. Maramis the period 1973-1981. Dr. Adrianus Mooy the period 1995-1999.
During the Executive Secretary of ESCAP held by JB Paul Maramis there are two important things to note are:
a. Restructuring of ESCAP in order to anticipate the rapid changes as the impact of globalization and efforts to improve efficiency and effectiveness of work of ESCAP activities such changes name to ESCAP ECAFE. This proposal marks the desire to escape from the domination of the political outlook based in Europe who regard the Pacific as the Far East, as well as adding the word 'social' to reflect not only its parent agency, but also identifies the importance of harmonious social development with economic development region.
b. Government of Indonesia to ESCAP has established a Trust Fund of U.S. $ 25,000 for funding of the Inter-Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries ESCAP member countries. Under the agreement referred to, the use of the Trust Fund is the permission of the Government of Indonesia and the project can be implemented in Indonesia or abroad using experts from Indonesia.
In the period 1995-1999 in the tenure of the Executive Secretary of ESCAP chaired by Prof.. Dr. Adrianus Mooy, there are two important things to note are:
a. ESCAP restructuring process is a process that continues within the framework of overall UN reform. In the Annual Session of ESCAP in 1997 agreed that essentially maintains the Commission remains in session every year and consists of two segments of the High Level Officials and Ministerial and Legislative Committee retain the number 5. The Committee's mandate has been refined in order to be more focused and attract a wider participation of related agencies at the national level.
b. Indonesia has also announced a contribution of the Government of Indonesia to ESCAP program an additional budget of U.S. $ 150,000 which will be discussed further modalitasnya the ESCAP Secretariat.
Regarding the efforts for reform of ESCAP, Executive Secretary, looking at the interplay and harmony between the comprehensive efforts to revitalize ESCAP plan of the Secretary General of the United Nations for the strengthening and revitalization of the UN and the priorities contained in the Millennium Declaration.
At the 59th Annual Session in 2003, there were three (3) discussion:
1. HIV / AIDS in Asia-Pacific: The devastating socio-economic impact.
2. Coping with risks and uncertainties through regional cooperation
3. Integrating and balancing economic, social and environmental concerns to meet the needs of the region.
ESCAP Commission discussed the issue:
a. Policy issues in the ESCAP region:
• The impact of economic and social development today;
• Integration of economic and social issues, particularly HIV / AIDS in meeting the needs of regional countries.
b. Issues Management:
• Implementation of Commission resolution 58 / 1 on restructuring the ESCAP Commission
• Activities ACPR (Advisory Committee of Permanent Representatives and Other Representatives Designated by Members of the Commission)
• The evaluation of agency operations and ESCAP regional center (APCTT, SIAP, CGPRT Centre).
Also in the Assembly was discussed about the development issues raised at the regional level are:
• Reduction of poverty
• The management of globalization (sectors: transport, communications, tourism, infrastructure, environment, natural resources)
• Social issues are raised (sectors: social development, population, problems of elderly and disabled).
In the Ministerial Roundtable or exchange views in an interactive forum between the Minister or Head of Delegation, where the issue of HIV / AIDS is associated with achievement of the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals).
In the ESCAP Committee on Emerging Social Issues, where the post-restructuring of ESCAP, to determine policy direction and activities of the new Committee in the future, the discussion is about:
a. Socially vulnerable groups:
• Population and development
• Empowerment of people with disabilities
• Gender and development
b. Health and development:
• Investing in the health sector for development
• SARS: lessons for public health
c. Program planning and evaluation:
• Proposed medium-term program
• Evaluation of projects of social fields.
Report of the Session as a follow-up for further development of the ESCAP are as follows:
Emerging Issues on the agenda and Development at the level involving the elimination of poverty, managing globalization and the discussion as follows:
1. In sub-topics "Poverty Reduction", Delri convey the urgency of mainstreaming aspects in aligning government policy with the participation of community and business groups so that the implementation of poverty eradication programs become more effective and efficient.
RI delegation also informed that the Government of Indonesia is working on the First National Report on the achievement of the Millennium Developments Goals (MDGs) and the establishment of the work unit to prepare poverty reduction strategic paper on the MDGs reference.
In connection with this Delri encourage national and international stakeholders to harness the initiative of ESCAP in the development of statistical capacity to measure the achievement of the MDGs.
2. In sub-discussion "Managing Globalization" Delri convey the key points and suggestions to the Secretariat of ESCAP to accommodate the activities of strengthening the ability of SMEs into the work program of ESCAP. Another proposal is to implement a practical approach in promoting the private sector in infrastructure development and initiated a partnership program for financing the infrastructure.