Evaluation of Learning Experience in planning and Curriculum Development
A. Background Issues
Teaching is the creation of an enabling environment for the learning process. Environmental system consists of components that influence each other, ie intruksional goals that you want to accomplish. The material in teaching teachers and students who must play a role as well in a particular social relationships. Types of activities will be undertaken and the teaching and learning facilities and infrastructure available. Each neighborhood or any event of teaching and learning have "profile" is unique, resulting in the achievement of different learning objectives.
Penyampainya learning objectives in trying explicitly to the specific instructional actions in call instrutional effect, which usually took the form of knowledge dang ketrampilan.sedangkan goals is the result of accompaniment, the achievement because students "feed" a system of a particular learning environment. Such as the ability to think critically and creatively, or being open to receive people's opinions lain.di called nurturant effect. To achieve this goal teachers usually choose one or more of teaching and learning strategies.
Teaching and learning strategy is a general pattern of student teachers' actions in the realization of learning activities; teaching. Understanding the strategy in this case shows the abstract characteristics of student teachers in a series of actions in the event of teaching and learning. Certain actual instructional procedure is called.
Metude teaching is a tool that can be part of the tool and the way in implementing a strategy of teaching and learning are the means or tools u ntuk achieve learning objectives. So the method teaching is a tool for mncapai an objective process belaja In the teaching-learning process there are three components that are interrelated and can not be separated from one another. The third component is the goal of teaching, teaching-learning process, and evaluation. Teaching objectives to be achieved will determine what material will be taught, what methods or means are used, and what media is appropriate. Similarly with the evaluation. how the evaluation procedures that will be used to measure the outcomes of teaching must always be associated with a material that has been presented, teaching methods, and goals set.
A. Background of the problem
Tyler (1973:105) suggests several purposes, namely to identify the strengths and weaknesses of planning, checking the validity of the basic hypothesis to the teaching program that has been organized and developed, and to examine the tools - a research tool, teachers and other conditions that refer to the teaching program, as well as It allows the evaluation results to note whether the curriculum is effective and or in need of development. The purpose of evaluation, Tyler (1973:106) argues as follows.
The evaluation process is essentially a process for improvement purposes - educational purposes are realized through the program curriculum and instruction. However, the purpose of education is basically a change in human beings, while the main goal to generate desire change - certain changes in behavior patterns of students, thus the evaluation is a process to determine the extent of changes in behavior are made.
The term refers to the understanding of the curriculum can be very broad or very narrow otherwise. In broad terms the curriculum refers to the teaching program at a certain level of education. Conversely, in the narrow sense can refer to the program curriculum of teaching a subject. Both the broad and narrow sense, the curriculum must have a compliance that are external (society demands) and internal (antarkomponen curriculum). These components is the goal, content or material, the process of delivery, and evaluation.
From time to time demands, needs and conditions of the community continues to grow. Developments that occurred in various areas of life both material and immaterial. Which is material such as lifestyle, clothes, and food, while that is immaterial as the shift of values, norms, and attitudes. All changes will certainly affect the world of education as a whole. Curriculum as one of the subsystems of education will inevitably have to change in order to remain in accordance with the developments taking place. The curriculum must be able to "cage" for a value system that will be maintained and passed on to younger generations. The curriculum must provide learning experiences that correspond with the development of the students. In this context, the components of the curriculum established causal relationship with the various developments taking place in society.
Evaluation as a tool to measure the level of achievement of the learning experience of students both the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor can provide input for curriculum development. Learning experiences which are appropriate, where the learning experience needs to be developed, and learning experiences which must be changed, evaluate the results of which provide the information. Thus, the results of evaluations, both the evaluation of learning results and overall evaluation of teaching is the feedback for further improvements in.
According to Tyler (1973:122) that the usefulness of the evaluation is to see the strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum and provide possible hypotheses about the causes of strengths and weaknesses. The implication of all this is that the process of curriculum planning is an ongoing process and develop materials and procedures, they tried, then the results are assessed, shortcomings are identified, suggestions for improvement are shown, no re-planning, redevelopment, and then re-assessment, and this is a continuous cycle, thus the program's curriculum and learning improved continuously from year to year.
Curriculum development is a process of curriculum planning in order to produce a broad plan and specific curriculum. In it covers the planning, implementation, and evaluation. Curriculum planning is the first step in building a curriculum when the curriculum workers to make decisions and take action to produce a plan that will be used by teachers and learners. Implementation of curriculum or curriculum implementation also called trying to transfer the planning curriculum into operational action.
B. Pinsip principles in use in curriculum development activities
The principles to be used in curriculum development activities is basically the rules or laws that would animate a curriculum. In curriculum development, can use the principles that have evolved in everyday life or creates its own new principles. Therefore, the implementation of the curriculum in an institution is very possible the use of principles different from the curriculum used in other educational institutions so that it will be found a lot of the principles used in a curriculum development.
In this case, Sukmadinata (2007) explores the principles of curriculum development is divided into two groups: (1) principles - General principles: relevance, flexibility, continuity, practicality, and effectiveness, (2) specific principles: the principle of respect with the aim of education, principles of education with regard to content selection, the principle regarding the selection of teaching-learning process, the principle regarding the selection of media and learning tools, and principles with regard to the selection of assessment activities. Meanwhile, Asep Herry Hernawan et al. (In Sudrajat, 2007) put forward five principles for curriculum development, namely:
The principle of relevance means internally that the curriculum has relevance among the components of the curriculum (goals, materials, strategies, organization and evaluation). In contrast, externally that the components have relevance to the demands of science and technology (epistomologis relevance), demand and potential learners (relevance psychological) as well as the demands and needs of the community development (relevance sosilogis)
The principle of flexibility in curriculum development has arranged for the resulting properties of flexible, resilient, and flexible in its implementation, allowing for adaptations based on the circumstances of place and time that is always evolving, and the ability and background bekang learners.
The principle of continuity which is a continuity in the curriculum, either vertically or horizontally. Learning experiences provided the curriculum should pay attention to sustainability, both inside the classroom level, inter-education level, and between levels of education by the type of work.
The principle of efficiency that is arranged for curriculum development can utilize the time, cost, and other sources that there is an optimal, carefully and precisely so that the results memadai.Prinsip see to it that the effectiveness of the curriculum development activities to achieve goals without a superfluous activity, both in quality and kuantititatif.
C. Learning experience in education curriculum
According to Bruner, dalamproses learning can distinguish three phases or episodes, which is information, and evaluasi.informasi transformation in each of the teaching we get some information there that add to the knowledge we already have, there is a refining and memperdalamnya.ada also conflicting information with what we already know sebelumnya.misalnya that no energy is lost, transformasi.informasi it should be analyzed in change or transformation into a more abstract or conceptual to be in use for more things that help teachers luas.dalam this very in need.
Caswel and Campbell (in Sukmadinata, 2007: 4) says that "the curriculum ... to be composed of all the experiences children have under the guidance of teachers (curriculum is made up of all experiences that have been owned by the students under the guidance of teachers). " Can be explained based on the opinion that: 1) experiential learning experience refers to the interaction of learners with external conditions, not the lesson content, 2) experiential learning refers to learning through active student behavior, 3) learn to be owned by a student after he followed the teaching-learning activities particular, 4) learning experience that is the result obtained by the students, 5) the efforts made by teachers in their efforts to guide students to have a specific learning experience.
A. The position of evaluation in curriculum and instruction
According to modern understanding, the curriculum covers all aspects of life and field of human life in this modern society that can be input into the school's responsibility that can be used for personal mengembangankan students and contribute to improving people's lives.
From the definition above explained that the curriculum is not only what is listed in the "manual labor" or "lines of the teaching program." But rather encompasses all activities will be undertaken within the framework of school curricula are directed to achieve the goals of education pendidikan.tujuan should be in line with the demands of development that is being carried on by the government and people of Indonesia.
B. Curriculum objectives in curriculum development
Tujuanya is everything you want in capai.segala something concrete objects that can be either in the form of goods or the place also include things that are abstract, such ideals in the form of status, rank, position or nature luhur.denagan purpose other words can the form of simple things can also be the things that are complex.
John D.Mc.Neil (1977) present four different kinds of conceptions of curriculum as follows:
a. Conception of humanistic curriculum, prioritizing the development of personal awareness tujuanya (personal Increased awarness) for achieving self-actualization.
b. Conception of social reconstruction curriculum, tujuanya for Preparing students to be able to face many changes masyarakatpada the future and can menyesuaikanya (fit into the esisting societi).
c. The concept of the technology curriculum, especially in developing hasilpendidikan tujuanya that can be copied (the development of intruction produts That can replicated).
d. The concept of academic curriculum subyak tujuanya mainly to train the thought.
C. Objective evaluation of education in curriculum development
Affective realm is more difficult to be measured or observed compared with the cognitive and psychomotor. In fact, sometimes not rated because it did not seem possible in various situations at school. Attitudes, values, and feelings can be hidden on purpose. Teachers try to evaluate the results of affective realm by encouraging students to express their feelings, attitudes, and their value to the topic of class discussion. In this context, teachers can observe students and probably will find clear directions for the assessment of affective realm. To evaluate what has been achieved by students in this area can use the following taxonomy of Krathwohl.
Receiving (Reception)
Students express in class consciousness of the existence of differences between groups of students at the school.
Responding (Responses)
Students volunteered to serve on the human inter-group relations in schools
valuing (Assessment)
Students expressed the desire to create a positive school climate
Organization (Organizing)
Students can control his temperament when driving.
D. Approach to teaching and learning in the curriculum development
The teacher looked at his protege as a person who is different from other anakdidik will vary with the teacher who sees protege sa creature sama.ketika teaching and learning activities that teachers should proceed with a sincere attitude and be able to do, and want to understand their students with all the constraints konsekuansinya.semua occurring and can be a barrier nets good teaching and learning processes that can stem from the behavior of students as well as sourced from outside the child's self-didik.dan no difference in all hal.maka is important meluruska erroneous view of the students in assessing children didik.demi kejelasanya follow the following descriptions:
a. Individualized approach
In the classroom there is a group of students, they sit in their seats they berkelomppok from two to five orang.di front of them there is a table to read and write or place the facility belajar.mereka learn with different styles, we also vary beda.perilaku range.
b. Group approach
In teaching and learning activities sometimes there are also teachers who use lan approach, namely the group's approach kelompok.pendekatan a time in need and need to be used to foster and develop students' social attitudes.
c. Approaches vary
When teachers confronted the problems of troubled students, then teachers will be dealing with the problems of students varies. Every problem faced by students is not always the same, sometimes there are differences.
d. Educative approach
Students who made the mistake of making noise in class when the teacher was giving a pelajaran.misalnya not just give legal sanction to hitting badanya denagn so cidra or injury.
Evaluation of the learning experience and curriculum development have a very close relationship. As one important component of the curriculum, evaluating learning experiences will provide a lot of information very useful in further curriculum development. The results of the evaluation of learning experiences serve as a feedback or feedback for curriculum development activities. Instead, the curriculum will become a reference for the implementation of evaluation activities a learning experience.
Penyampainya learning objectives in trying explicitly to the specific instructional actions in call instrutional effect, which usually took the form of knowledge dang ketrampilan.sedangkan goals is the result of accompaniment, the achievement because students "feed" a system of learning environment tertentu.seperti ability to think critically and creatively or being open to receive people's opinions lain.di called nurturant effect.untuk achieve that teachers usually choose one or more of teaching and learning strategies.
Teaching and learning strategy is a general pattern of student teachers' actions in the realization of learning activities; teaching. Understanding the strategy in this case shows the characteristics of a series of abstract works in student teacher learning events particular mengajar.aktual called instructional procedures.
Curriculum evaluation is the final stage of curriculum development to determine how much learning outcomes, level of achievement of the programs that have been planned, and the results of the curriculum itself. Curriculum development involves not only those directly related to education alone, but it involves many people, like politicians, businessmen, parents, learners, and other elements of society who feel concerned with education.
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